Conned, the conversion of the GOP conservatives into right-wing extremists

Paul Cobaugh on Truths on Threats: Welcome to another week of our perpetually hotter summers. No, today’s essay is not about Climate change, but about those who deny that it exists. Like Climate change, there is a whole stable of false narratives or conspiracy theories. That they believe these blatantly false realities, is due to being, “conned” by Narrative Warfare, executed by a combination of Russian/ MAGA influence operations, that have taken control of their identity. Today, If America has a chance to survive this Trumpian era of Yellow Journalism, 2.0, we must understand how our voters became radicalised via Narrative Warfare, but still falsely believe themselves, “conservatives.” We must also, expertly bring them back to the reality of truth, whether they will admit it their absence… or not.

The point isn’t to re-indoctrinate all of those lost from family and friends, but to recover as many of our family and friends from their conspiracy theory “brainwashing” as possible. Most are unaware of how they have been victimised by enemies of democracy, via Narrative Warfare. Most of those under the spell of conspiracy theories, have no idea that they are being conned. As a recognized expert in Narrative Warfare, I believe it important for professionals in my field and the average American voter, to better understand that “identity” is the core factor and that our MAGA lemmings’ identity cannot be “reset” to accept reality, without professional expertise in Narrative Warfare. This is the only way to reach our woefully lost family and friends. The US national security community has been clueless about this issue, for four decades and still are.

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