Norway to develop nanosatellite for military tactical communication in the Arctic
Existing SATCOM-systems does not fulfill the requirements for tactical utilization in The Arctic. This is in part due to limited coverage at high latitudes. The satellite itself is no bigger than a briefcase. An antenna will unfold once the satellite is in orbit. The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) hasContinue Reading
Welcome to Arpit Chaturvedi, International Political Economy and Governance Expert
We are honoured to welcome Arpit Chaturvedi to Defence and Intelligence as our Senior Expert Editor, International Political Economy and Governance Expert. Arpit Chatuverdi is the Co-Founder and CEO of Global Policy Insights, a centrist Policy think tank. He is also the Co-Founder of EnviPol, an Environmental Consulting firm basedContinue Reading
Welcome, Political scientist and Futurist Professor Sohail Inayatullah, to Defence and Intelligence Norway
We are humble honoured to welcome Political Scientist and Futurist, Professor Sohail Inayatullah, to Defence and Intelligence Norway as a member of the editorial board and as a contributor to our international publication based in Oslo. By Jan H. Kalvik Editor-In-Chief Institutional Professor Sohail Inayatullah is the inaugural UNESCO ChairContinue Reading
Donald Trump at West Point: – The survival of America and the endurance of civilization itself depends on the men and women just like each of you
President Trump delivered a commencement address on Saturday to 1,107 new officers graduating from the United States Military Academy at West Point. With many families and friends unable to attend the ceremony because of social distancing guidelines, President Trump took time to recognize and celebrate the incredible accomplishments of theseContinue Reading
US Army Europe’s 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command trains in Latvia
US Army Europe’s 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command (10th AAMDC) travelled from Kaiserslautern, Germany to Jurmalciems, Latvia to participate in exercise Tobruq Arrows 2020 from June 5-15. During the exercise, US air defence assets conducted an Avenger Air Defense System live-fire exercise, shooting down drone targets off theContinue Reading
Exercise BALTOPS 2020 gets underway
Around 3,000 personnel from 19 NATO Allies and partners are taking part in the annual BALTOPS naval exercise that kicked off in the Baltic Sea on Sunday 7. June 2020. The 49th BALTOPS exercise, which runs until 16 June, involves maritime and air forces with around 30 ships and submarines,Continue Reading
Webinar: Peering into the future – Economy, Society and World Politics after COVID-19
COVID-19 has claimed almost 4 million lives, infecting over 6.5 million individuals across the globe. The pandemic has disrupted economic structures, social relationships, the very nature of the State and inadvertently affected billions of lives across the globe in unsparingly evident or intangible ways. – In this discussion convened byContinue Reading
Insight: Why Branding Antifa a Terror Group Is a Diversion
In the wake of protests against police brutality sweeping the nation, the name Antifa abounds online as the political right’s bogeyman, blamed even by U.S. President Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr as the group upon which to pin all of the blame without acknowledging the very real grievances ofContinue Reading
Issues of ISIS Prisoners & Repatriations in a Time of COVID
International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism (ICSVE) invites to a Panel Discussion with the topic “Issues of ISIS Prisoners & Repatriations in a Time of COVID” featuring Tasnime Akunjee, Attorney for Shamima Begum’s family, Anthony Loyd, Senior Journalist & War Correspondent, The Times and Anne Speckhard, Director ICSVEContinue Reading
Forsvarsministeren vil møte forsvarsindustrien for å diskutere situasjonen som har oppstått som følge av koronakrisen Forsvarsdepartementet har iverksatt tiltak, og vurderer fortløpende behovet for nye tiltak, for å støtte nasjonal forsvarsindustri. Forsvarsdepartementet ser på tiltak utover de generelle økonomiske tiltakspakkene for å avhjelpe skadevirkninger av korona-krisen. Inngripende tiltak for åContinue Reading