Kongsberg Awarded NASAMS Contract With Australia Worth 1.6 Billion NOK
Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace AS (KONGSBERG) is awarded a contract by Raytheon Australia worth 1.6 billion NOK for delivery of NASAMS components. Raytheon Australia is the prime contractor to deliver NASAMS to the Australian Government Land 19 Phase 7B program. By Jan Helge Kalvik Editor-In-Chief The Australian Government, RaytheonContinue Reading
NATO Spearhead Force deploys to test readiness
A force of 2,500 German, Dutch and Norwegian troops and 1,000 vehicles is currently taking part in exercise Noble Jump 19 at the Zagan training range in Western Poland. Noble Jump is the main training opportunity for NATO’s Spearhead Force, the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF), and testsContinue Reading
Iran – USA: Both parties are playing with the red line
According to a recent confidential report: Both Iran and USA are playing with the red line. The US are pushing Iran to cross it but Iran is also flirting with the red line for internal political reasons, while at the same time not willing to cross it. If it isContinue Reading
North Atlantic Council Meeting with the National Security Advisers and Hybrid Points of Contact at NATO Headquarters
This meeting was the first of its kind at NATO. “We discussed ways to improve our situational awareness, through better intelligence and information sharing,” said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. NATO has already developed a strategy to counter hybrid warfare, as part of the biggest reinforcement of the Alliance’s collectiveContinue Reading
Narrative Warfare – Kindle/e-book version now available
Narrative Strategies (NS), a US based think/ do tank has recently released its latest publication on narrative and its critical role in influence as an e-book/Kindle version. In fact, it specifically addresses the topic of Narrative Warfare, a term coined by Dr. Ajit Maan, one of the co-authors. This recentContinue Reading
Learn from The Narrative Strategies Team: They change how power works
– Defense and security communities world-wide generally agree that there is an urgent need to develop effective counter-terrorism narratives. We disagree. We do more than that. The Narrative Strategies Team goes beyond defensive maneuvers and counter messaging. We are not playing catch-up with our adversaries. We change the game entirely.Continue Reading
Dersom Oleg Elshin og Terra Seismic får Nobelprisen vil det beskytte oss nordmenn og menneskeheten i sin helhet mot jordskjelv og tsunamier
Jordskjelv og tsunamier er verdens mest ødeleggende naturkatastrofer. I løpet av de siste 15 årene har mer enn 680.000 mennesker omkommet av dette og flere hundre millioner blitt berørt. Av Jan Helge Kalvik Editor-In-Chief Jordskjelv kan ramme hvem som helst. Fem milliarder mennesker lever i land som er utsatt forContinue Reading
Nobelpriset till Oleg Elshin och Terra Seismic kommer hjälpa till att skydda mänskligheten och svenskarna mot jordbävningar och tsunamier
Oleg Elshin, vd för Terra Seismic och nominerad till Nobels fredspris, ger en så enkel förklaring av hur jordbävningar kan förutsägas att det kan förstås av alla som fortfarande kommer ihåg fysiklektionerna från skolan. Av Jan Helge Kalvik Editor-In-Chief Jordbävningar och tsunamier är de naturkatastrofer i världen som leder tillContinue Reading
Nobel Prize to Oleg Elshin, Terra Seismic, will help protect humanity from earthquakes and tsunamis
Earthquakes and tsunamis are the world’s most damaging natural disasters. Just over the last 15 years, the death toll from these perils exceeds 680,000 people and hundreds of millions more were affected. Earthquakes can affect anyone. Five billion people live in earthquake and tsunami-prone countries and 200 million visit theseContinue Reading
NATO Secretary General praises the Supreme Allied Commander Europe’s long-standing contribution to Euro-Atlantic defence and security
“For seven decades, NATO has defended the way of life, and the values that underpin it: freedom, democracy, and the rule of law. This makes the job of SACEUR one of the most challenging – and most important – military positions in the world,” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg saidContinue Reading