Insight: Interview with Dr. Ajit Maan, Narrative Strategies
Dr. Ajit Maan is a security analyst, defence strategist, and a narrative specialist. She is Founder and CEO of the U.S. based think-tank Narrative Strategies, Faculty member of George Mason University’s Center for Narrative Conflict Resolution, Faculty member of Union Institute and University’s Inter-Disciplinary Doctoral Program, and Member of theContinue Reading
The Fleeting Soft Power Opportunity in Yemen
The apparent execution of Yemen’s former President Ali Abdullah Saleh in December provides a window of opportunity for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and ISIS to join forces and gather the support of the desperate and ungoverned civilian population. That would be a deep blow to U.S. counterterrorism efforts.Continue Reading
Qatar and the Terrorism Blame Game
Between January 19, 2018 and January 24, 2018, a delegation of researchers and academics from the U.S. think-tanks and non-profit organizations, which also included researchers from the International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism (ICSVE), paid a visit to Qatar to meet the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the MinisterContinue Reading
Recruitment Narratives: Cutting Off the Legs Isn’t Enough
Recruitment Narratives: Cutting Off the Legs Isn’t Enough Rather than undermine our own ideals with attempts to control information, we should animate our values by enabling our adversaries, and the audience they influence, to see us as encouraging bravery of thought, honoring dissent, even engaging heretical discourse. By Ajit Mann,Continue Reading
ICSVE’s new Breaking the ISIS Brand video clip – Dreams of the Islamic State
By Anne Speckhard, Ph.D. ICSVE is proud toannounce the release of our newest video in the Breaking the ISIS Brand–ISIS Cadres Counter-Narrative Project. “Dreams of the Islamic State” produced by ICSVE’s Zack Baddorf is based on Anne Speckhard’s and Ahmed Yayla’s interview in Turkey of Syrian ISIS defector, Ibn Mesud. Ibn Mesud wasContinue Reading
Ensuring a long-term win against ISIS in Mosul
The Need for Rehabilitation & Reintegration Programs & Restoring Security and Justice By Anne Speckhard, Ph.D., Grace Wakim & Ardian Shajkovci Allah Akbar (meaning God is Greatest) is a colloquial expression commonly used by Muslims, especially in the Arab world, to praise God and express commitment to the religion ofContinue Reading
The Truck as a “Just” Tool of Terror – What we can Learn from the Stockholm, Sweden Attack
It is a sunny Friday afternoon in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. Thousands of people have come out of their winter hiding to enjoy the weekend’s bright sunny, spring weather. Many of them are walking down Queens Street, a 1.5 kilometer long pedestrian street running through town, connecting its olderContinue Reading
Improving Our Predictive Capacities Against Terror Attacks by Individuals
Commentary following attacks like the one in London often contribute to public terror. The public has repeatedly been told that the actions of “Lone Wolves” are “impossible to prevent” while simultaneously being told to “keep the terrorist threat in perspective.” Exactly what are we to keep in perspective if theContinue Reading
Russia under threat?
Australian Foreign Policy White Paper Submission, February 2017 Submitted by Jeff Schubert to This is a personal submission and should in no way be interpreted as reflecting the views of any other person or any organization. By Jeff Schubert, Head / Director, International Centre for Eurasian Research, This submissionContinue Reading
How Narrative Impacts Warfare
Part of the war games the U.S. and Norway are currently conducting ought to involve practice in the deployment of strategic narrative. In what may be the understatement of the decade, one Norwegian official said, “we have gradually seen more and more … strategic messages being sent [by Moscow].” ItContinue Reading