The Responsibility to Protect in the Context of State-Sponsored Terror
As a result of the Rwandan genocide, the United Nations broadened the definition of “The Responsibility to Protect” from State responsibility to protect its citizens, to the responsibility of the international community to intervene to protect civilian populations in cases wherein their own government is unable, or worse, actively engagedContinue Reading
China is ahead on Supercomputer Front!
Sunway TaihuLight became the fastest supercomputer in the world. The previous champion came also from China. What used to be an arms race for supercomputing primacy among technological nations has turned into a major failure by USA By Michael Fayerman Managing Editor/ Intelligence Technology Expert The Sunway TaihuLight is indeedContinue Reading
ISIS Operative Salah Abdeslam: A Not so True-Believer Terrorist
A key member of the ISIS cell and only survivor of nine cadres who are believed to have been directly involved in the Paris attacks was as we know caught alive through a police operation in Molenbeek, Belgium. Ahmet S. Yayla, Ph.D. & Anne Speckhard, Ph.D. When we look atContinue Reading
President Obama with Nordic Initiative Countering Violent Extremism
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama recently hosted the President of Finland and the Prime Ministers of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Iceland at the White House for an Official Arrival Ceremony, a Multilateral Meeting, and a State Dinner. This marks the twelfth State or Official Visit of the ObamaContinue Reading
Alarms Raised over Safeguarding Professional Ethics in FBI proposed “Shared Responsibility Committees” addressing Potentially Radicalized Individuals
Murky federal plans, and odd bedfellows between law enforcement and counseling professionals, currently threaten to create ethical dilemmas for those in the helping professions—psychologists, counselors, imams and doctors—who may be called upon by the FBI in upcoming months to report on citizens in behalf of national security interests as theyContinue Reading
Military And Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality technology is going via early adoption stage. Vibe and Oculus engaged gamers and Hollywood to produce content. VR headsets are still bulky but do provide a “presence” experience. HTC owns Vive and Facebook bought Oculus Rift for 2 billion dollars. By Michael Fayerman Managing Editor/ Intelligence Technology Expert,Continue Reading
ICSVE’s new Brief Report: Khalid Zerkani – Terrorist Instigator
“He is a sorcerer… He is Satan.” Hawa Keita, an immigrant mother from Mali in Brussels said of the man who influenced her son, Yoni Mayne, in only a few months time into leaving Belgium for “jihad” in Syria. She believes her son died in 2014 during a battle inContinue Reading
ICSVE’s new Brief Report: ISIS Once Again Silences its Enemies in Turkey
Once again ISIS cadres have penetrated from Syria into Turkey and carried out an assault on those brave enough to speak out against them. Monday evening (April 10th), thirty-six year-old Syrian journalist, Muhammed Zahir al Serkat, was shot in the center of Gaziantep (a Turkish town near the border ofContinue Reading
Beyond the lone wolf!
Almost 15 years have passed since 9/11 and now the global Homeland Security (HLS), Counter-terrorism & Public Safety markets are going through major shifts. The EC just experienced two horrifying terror acts in Brussels and Paris. Our expert commentator and Managing Editor Intelligence Technology Michael Fayerman tell how “Big Data” AnalyticalContinue Reading
US back to Keflavík
The Arctic Journal Writes: After almost a decade following the United States Navy quietly closing its facilities at Keflavík, talk began to circulate in the autumn of 2015 about a return of US forces to the same base it had occupied since 1951 as a pivotal component of AmericanContinue Reading