Power Shifters: Changing the Narrative on Violent Extremism
New interesting conference are targeting violent extremism. – Join us on 6 May for the first annual Narrative Strategies conference for talks and panels by our experts and experts in the narrative and defense fields. BY Ajit Maan, Ph.D., Vice-President for Research and Analysis, ENODO Global, is author of Counter-Terrorism:Continue Reading
The Brussels Attack: What We Should Be Doing Differently
As ISIS has claimed responsibility for the Brussels attacks, and we know that causing anti-Muslim and anti-refugee fear and loathing is part of the ISIS strategy to conquer by dividing, we should avoid falling in-line with their plan. We avoid participating in the terrorist agenda by engaging in cooperativeContinue Reading
Report from the ground: Brussels Terrorist Attacks at Airport and European Parliament
Brussels attacks: – I was headed out to the Zaventum, Brussels airport this morning but was stopped by panic calls received from friends – some in tears – as I was about to take my taxi. Explosions at the airport – bombs. The Guardian is reporting ten dead, more injured. In addition to the two airport explosionsContinue Reading
Alleged ISIS operative and Paris Attacker, Salah Abdelslam, found hiding out in Molenbeek, Belgium
Salah Abdelslam – believed to be one of the November 13, 2015 Paris attackers in which one hundred and thirty persons were killed, was apprehended in a police takedown yesterday in Molenbeek, a neighborhood in Brussels. Abdelslam, a twenty-six year old French national, born and raised in Molenbeek (Brussels) had been theContinue Reading
Narrative: The Critical Component of Counter-Terrorism Strategy
The shock and awe campaign being waged by ISIS is one we did not predict when we orchestrated our own variety of shock and awe over Bagdad. And while debate about the effectiveness of airstrikes against ISIS continues, those of us focused on the narrative battle are pretty muchContinue Reading
Tunisian foreign fighter uprising inside ISIS occurs today in Raqqa
A huge internal fight inside ISIS occurred today in Raqqa in which two hundred members tried to defect and switch alliance to Jabhat al-Nusra. The uprising occurred in response to when ISIS executed Tunisian ISIS commander Abu Ubeyd al-Tunisi along with eight other Tunisian mujahideen for allegedly trying to defect. Continue Reading
Brides of ISIS: The Internet Seduction of Western Females into ISIS
Shoot the Women First is the title of a 1991 book by Eileen MacDonald based on her interviews of female terrorists and originated in advice purportedly given to Germany’s GSG 9 anti-terrorist sharpshooters. MacDonald exploded the myth that female terrorists of that time period were simply pawns of their maleContinue Reading
Kongsberg intensifies its digital focus: Establishes Kongsberg Digital
Kongsberg Digital is to be established as a new subsidiary of KONGSBERG. The company will be headed by Hege Skryseth and will become a leading industrial software environment with about 450 employees. – We’re at the starting point of significant changes due to the digitalization of industrial processes. Technologies suchContinue Reading
Why a multi-polar world could bring us on the verge of WW3
When one looks at the current state of international affairs, the modern world reminds of second half of 19th century that basically laid ground for both World Wars.The international political configuration was multi-polar. During that period of history, The Russian Empire campaign in the Balkans created great deal of instability betweenContinue Reading
Annual Threat Assessment 2016: Norway
PST expects that the threats to Norway and Norwegian interests in 2016 will continue to form a complex and varied picture. Assessing future threats will involve reviewing large quantities of unverified information from many different sources. By Siv Alsen, PST Events in other countries will also have direct and indirectContinue Reading