Regjeringen har lagt frem en ambisiøs langtidsplan for forsvarssektoren som foreslår en omfattende styrking av Forsvaret. En mer alvorlig sikkerhetssituasjon gjør at en økt satsing på Forsvaret er en riktig og viktig prioritering. Langtidsplanen er i tråd med forsvarssjefens fagmilitære råd «Trygghet i usikre tider» samt andre råd og innspill.Continue Reading

Regjeringens flåteplan vil tilføre Sjøforsvaret minimum fem nye fregatter med helikoptre, inntil ti store og atten mindre standardiserte fartøy, og minimum fem undervannsbåter. Regjeringen vil fornye Sjøforsvaret med minst fem nye fregatter med maritime helikoptre med anti-ubåtkapasitet. Foto: Sjøforsvaret – Dette er den største satsingen i ny langtidsplan og vilContinue Reading

The International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Justice is excited to bring to you its latest innovative training – Understanding and Responding to Hate Crimes. From 11 am-12:30 pm EST Friday, April 5, 2024, the Director of ICSVE, Dr. Anne SpeckhardContinue Reading

The Swedish flag was raised at NATO Headquarters for the first time on Monday (11 March 2024) in a ceremony to mark the country’s membership of the Alliance. Sweden became NATO’s 32nd Ally on 7 March upon depositing its instrument of accession to the North Atlantic Treaty with the UnitedContinue Reading

Raytheon and Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace, with support from the Norwegian Ministry of Defense (MoD) and Armed Forces, successfully completed a flight test of an updated AMRAAM®-Extended Range missile variant from a National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System (NASAMS). The successful flight test showcases the increased capabilities of the upgraded AMRAAM-ER.Continue Reading

Photo: Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide and Transport Minister Jon-Ivar Nygård together with the Ukrainian train drivers and maintenance personnel who will now receive training in the train type. Two years have passed since Russia’s full scale invation of Ukraine. As a part of Norway’s contribution to keep the economyContinue Reading

Complacency is a lethal error in strategy-making and warfare. As Russia has learned in Ukraine, overestimating your capabilities and underestimating your enemy can lead to failure. NATO cannot take its own continued strategic success for granted. By Dr. Kestutis Paulauskas NATO’s 2022 Strategic Concept – the Alliance’s guiding policy documentContinue Reading