Secretary-General Mark Rutte participated in a meeting of the in Budapest, Hungary, November 7th. The meeting was an opportunity for European leaders to discuss a broad range of security challenges and the importance of working together to address them. This included exchanges not only on traditional threats and challenges, butContinue Reading

Earthquakes and tsunamis are the world’s most damaging natural disasters. Just over the last 15 years, the death toll from these perils exceeds 680,000 people and hundreds of millions more were affected. Earthquakes can affect anyone. Five billion people live in earthquake and tsunami-prone countries and 200 million visit theseContinue Reading

The lack of empirical evidence of cyber warfare between states makes deterrence theorizing nearly impossible Western states largely renounced the concepts of defense and deterrence after the end of the Cold War. Instead, Western powers focused on expeditionary warfare—military crisis management, counterterrorist operations, and counterinsurgency operations. Today Russia and ChinaContinue Reading

We are proud to introduce Michael Fayerman, new professional member of the Defence and Intelligence editorial team. He will conduct profiling analysis of world leaders and international policies and provide unique perspective of how technology affects the intelligence and national security matters. As a Senior Consulting Manager for KPMG (Big4) oneContinue Reading

Defence and Intelligence Norway: We are the independent  and trusted source when it comes to news and information regarding: army, terror, anti-terror, security, intelligence, police, defence, politics, government, airforce, politics, navy, airforce, CIA, NATO, CIOR, border control, new weapons, propaganda, international relations, peacekeeping operations, war, democracy, freedom, soldiers, strategy, operations, long term stabilityContinue Reading